Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Final Cultural Ceremony at Narayan Seva

On our final day the children put on a Cultural Program where they had a chance to show off!
All of the kids do yoga twice a day....my body would break in half.

Gopal sang a song.

The boys did a dance to Justin Bieber.

The girls went crazy!

The younger girls put on a fashion show.

The older boys did an amazing job showing off their yoga skills.

I honestly don't know how they get their bodies to bend like that.

The older girls did a traditional Balinese dance.

The also put on a bit of a comedy showing the differences between Balinese and Indonesian dance and language.
Then the little girls showed off their yoga skills. No wobbles or falls.

Finally we played a game where people walk around the inside the center of a circle and then touch the people that match a called out trait. For example, "Touch a person that you think has a kind heart." It was nice to sit there with your eyes closed and literally feel how much the kids appreciated us.

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