The Resort we stayed at while on Koh Tao. $30 a for up to 3 people (breakfast included)
Our lovely porch. Room 33
Koh Toa was a tropical paradise.
Along the path to our room.
The main gathering area and restaurant. Obviously a moped is the preferred mode of transportation.
The street leading to our hostel.
Swimming pool where they teach people to dive and where Kayla and I spent many an afternoon cooling off after a day at the beach!
This is what we found in our room one afternoon. I know the picture does not do it justice but it seemed huge...especially since it was right next to Kayla's bed :)
We went and got some help. At this point he saw the lizard and said, "Whoooaaa!" I think he was expecting 2 stupid American girls that were scared of a gecko.
He quickly left the room and then returned with a plastic bag to catch the little bugger. He was not very excited about being roped into this job...apparently that kind of lizard is known to have a pretty bad bite. Good thing I didn't let it crawl in Kayla's bed as a practical joke...
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